
Please visit Lamont Law at our new location - #44 Charlton Avenue West Hamilton, ON L8P 2C1

What Should I Do Immediately After A Car Accident?

How Common Are Car Accidents in Hamilton and Ontario? Car accidents are not an uncommon occurrence in Ontario and the city of Hamilton. According to a 2019 Annual Collision Report, Hamilton sees around 9,500 car crashes every year. In 2020 , nearly 23,700 car accidents in Ontario caused bodily injury or death, according to a […]

What To Do If Your Long-Term Disability Claim Was Denied

Many Canadians with disabilities rely on long-term disability coverage, which is also known as LTD in Canada. LTD coverage provides eligible individuals with a percentage of their income (typically between 60% and 70%) if they are unable to return to work due to their illness, injury, or hospitalization. Unfortunately, a large percentage of long-term disability […]