
Please visit Lamont Law at our Hamilton office - #44 Charlton Avenue West Hamilton, ON L8P 2C1

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Lamont Law is joining forces with another female led firm,
Krawchenko Law to offer a “Make a Will Event” for the month of March. 

We are pleased to partner with Krawchenko Law to offer services including Wills and Powers of Attorney.


Augustine Krawchenko, lawyer and owner at Krawchenko Law has a passion for practicing law that runs deep in her blood. Her firm, like Lamont Law, was founded by her father, John Krawchenko, who is a
sitting judge and was a successful lawyer.

Much like Erica Lamont, Augustine learned how to run the “family business” by working for her father as his receptionist, assistant and ultimately his associate lawyer before she took over the firm. Augustine provides a host of professional services including Wills and Powers of Attorney. She also
practices in Estate Administration, Real Estate and general consultations.

Augustine loves to travel and explore the world. She gained appreciation for overseas travel while
serving in the Canadian Armed Forces (Navy). She studied international law in Leicester, England.
For more information about Augustine and her firm, check out her website at

Do you own assets?
Do you know what happens to your estate after you pass away?
Have you protected your spouse and/or children in the event of an untimely death?

These are difficult topics to discuss and many prefer to procrastinate when it comes to creating a Will
and Power of Attorney.

A Will ensures your property and assets are divided pursuant to your wishes after you pass away.
A Power of Attorney for Property allows you to appoint someone you trust (and of your choosing) to
act on your behalf for anything relating to property (i.e. finances/money) in the event you become
incapable of making financial decisions on your own (for example, after you sustain a brain injury
following a car accident that renders you incapable).

A Power of Attorney for Personal Care allows you to appoint someone you trust (and of your choosing)
to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event you become incapable of making medical
decisions on your own (for example, after you sustain a brain injury following a bicycle accident that
renders you incapable).

Where someone is incapable and does not have a Power of Attorney in place, a Public Guardian – a
government official – is appointed to make decisions even if the incapable person has a spouse or family
member. Having Powers of Attorney in place will prevent this from happening.
It’s time to take action to ensure you and your loved ones are protected.

Call Lamont Law today to set up a meeting with Augustine Krawchenko during the month of March to
start the process and protect yourself and your loved ones.


What to expect for our Make a Will event!

Wondering what to bring with you?

You will need to bring Identification, any relevant documentation (separation
agreement/divorce documentation/trust agreements/previous will and Power of Attorney
documentation/list of assets including real property (house), bank accounts, investments,
stocks/bonds, vehicles, etc).

Wondering what to expect?

You will present your ID to our receptionist to confirm your identity.
You will fill in a short intake form.
You will meet with Augustine for approximately 40 minutes to get the process started.

How long will the process take?

Following the initial meeting at Lamont Law with Augustine, another meeting will be
arranged at Krawchenko Law (located at 244 Ottawa St. North, Hamilton) to finalize the
The total length of the process can be as little as two weeks (more complex matters may me
take longer. This is a case-by-case assessment and will be explained by Augustine.

Past and current clients of Lamont Law will receive a 10% discount on professional services provided by
Augustine Krawchenko for retained services during Make a Will Event.
Limited spots available so call Lamont Law today for more information!

When calling, ask for Carrie Stewart at extension 246 and let us know it is for our Make a Will Event.



*Lamont Law is acting as a referral source only in accordance with the requirements of the Law Society of Ontario.
*Please note that any agreed upon retainer agreement between Krawchenko Law and the client does not include professional services as provided by Lamont Law
*Calling to book an initial meeting does not guarantee a retainer agreement with Krawchenko Law or Lamont Law

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International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Lamont Law is joining forces with another female led firm,Krawchenko Law to offer a “Make a Will Event” for the

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